Ruote in vulkolan fisse, girevoli con o senza freno
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item

Ruote piene per carrelli portacasse
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item

Ruote in gomma fisse, girevoli o girevoli con freno
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item

Ruote piene per carriola
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item

Ruote per mobili di vario genere
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item

Ruote pnuematiche per carrelli portacasse
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item

Ruote pneumatiche per carriola
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item